Dlexa the Hedge Dragon
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AI is a mirror. It will tell more about what it is to be human than what it is to be intelligent.

Welcome to a world where you can talk to objects and they can answer back.

Once upon a time there were people who talked to rocks and trees
... and they were considered to be "not right in the head".

With AI we can now create objects with a voice and ears so they can carry on a conversation.

Amazon's Alexa is a furry box that can tell you the weather, play a movie, or sell you a shirt. Technically Alexa is a "smart speaker". Apple's Siri and Google's Assistant are commercial competitors to Alexa.

In truth the future will be full of taking objects. They will be both annoying and incredibly helpful ... and you will be able to make your own if you want.

The Dlexa Project:

"Dlexa" is homage to Amazon's [A]mazon [lexa]. A 30 foot long and 5 foot wide Escallonia hedge cut in the shape of a dragon. So a [D]ragon [lexa].

Dlexa is located on the southwest corner of Dean's yard in Colwood, BC, Canada. In the Feng Shui balance of object placement she is at the health, family, and feminine corner of the lot. She is cut in the shape of a Feng Shui dragon so she is serpentine with no wings and in her right hand she holds the Pearl of Wisdom.

She is topiary, if you can see ponies in clouds, you can look at the hedge and imagine something like this:

Talking Objects:

You will be able to converse with Dlexa, the Pearl, and the parasitic Worms that live on her belly. The plan is that Pearl has the warm voice of a narrator and he is a loyal servant to Dlexa who is royalty from a parallel universe. The worms are sentient free loaders from the same universe with a silly Cockney accent like William from the movie Labyrinth. You have to get on your hands and knees to talk to the worms so they are intended for children.


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email Dean if you have any questions or comments 

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Most new work (and updates) focus on Ears